Faith Christian Academy (FCA) is committed to fostering a healthy environment that promotes the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of all students, staff, and community members. Our Health and Wellness Policy reflects our dedication to cultivating healthy habits, minimizing allergy risks, and ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to thrive in a safe and supportive environment.
This policy aligns with the Framework Policy on Healthy Eating and Active Living, entitled Going the Healthy Route at School. This framework aims to assist schools as they create an environment that encourages the adoption and maintenance of healthy eating habits and physically active lifestyles. In addition, it encourages students to develop personal competencies related to healthy eating and active living.
The Framework Policy stems from a measure of the Plan d'action gouvernemental de promotion des saines habitudes de vie et de prévention des problèmes reliés au poids 2006‑2012, entitled Investir pour l'avenir [Investing in the future], and is connected to two measures in the 2006–2009 Youth Action Strategy, namely, to eliminate junk food in schools and to implement the “Healthy Schools” approach.
To help schools improve their healthy food choices and encourage young people to adopt physically active lifestyles, the Framework Policy has put forth nine orientations grouped into three themes: the school environment (healthy eating and active living); education, promotion and communication; and mobilizing partners. Schools will establish various measures, actions, and projects to enable students to acquire and keep up these healthy lifestyles, which may involve the participation of parents as well as the collaboration of all the partners in the education community.
The Web site of the Ministère provides better access to the information regarding the Framework Policy and offers stakeholder support in respect to its implementation. For more detailed guidance, refer to the Guide for the Educational Community and Partners: Healthy Schools, provided by the Ministère de l'Éducation.
General Guidelines
To maintain a health-conscious and inclusive environment, the following items are not permitted on school premises:
- Junk Food: Foods high in trans fats, artificial additives, or low nutritional value (e.g., chips, instant noodles).
- Candy and Chocolates: Includes all forms of candy, gum, and chocolate-based snacks.
- Peanut and Nut Products: Due to severe allergies, all peanut and tree nut products are strictly prohibited.
- Sugary Drinks and Snacks: Beverages high in sugar, such as energy drinks, fruit punches, and sugary snacks, are not allowed.
- Soft Drinks and Coffee: Carbonated beverages and caffeinated drinks, including coffee, are prohibited.
Nutritional Standards for Snacks and Lunches
Students and staff are encouraged to bring wholesome, nutrient-dense food and beverages that align with the following principles:
- Balanced Nutrition: Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
- Hydration: Water and milk are the preferred beverages. Unsweetened alternatives such as herbal teas or plant-based milk are also encouraged.
- Portion Control: Food brought to school should reflect appropriate portion sizes to minimize waste and overconsumption.
Allergy Awareness
To protect students with life-threatening allergies:
- Parents are responsible for ensuring that all food items sent to school are peanut- and nut-free.
- Staff will enforce policies by monitoring compliance and providing guidance when needed.
- Birthday treats and shared snacks must meet the no-junk-food and allergen-free requirements.
Special Events and Exceptions
For school-wide celebrations or events, any food provided must adhere to the Health and Wellness Policy guidelines. On rare occasions, exceptions may be made with administrative approval, ensuring all students' safety and inclusivity.
Education and Promotion
Faith Christian Academy will:
- Incorporate health education into the curriculum to teach students about nutrition, exercise, and overall wellness.
- Provide resources and workshops for parents on packing healthy lunches and snacks.
- Encourage staff to model healthy eating behaviors.
Teachers and staff will actively monitor adherence to the Health and Wellness Policy. Parents will be notified if a student's lunch or snack does not comply with the guidelines. Repeated violations may require a meeting with parents to ensure understanding and compliance.
By following this Health and Wellness Policy, we aim to create a culture of health and well-being that supports our students’ growth and success.